Pondering on a Thursday morning how to move the Portsea Sound boat from the Camber to Boathouse 4 to start its transformation into our sound installation
 On the trailer - job done! Thanks a million to the boathouse 4 guys, friends and the odd composer or two.
 Danny in action at Boathouse 4 - first steps to creating our installation for the community. 
 So appreciative of everyone helping out...
 Masterclass in team work!
 Excitement as the front part which will house the sound piece is upturned for the first time. 
 Ta da! A fabulous structure and a little piece of heritage to eventually be housed at the John Pounds Centre Cafe. 
 Tullis and Danny inspecting the interior and listening to the unexpected acoustics. 
 Laura trying to decide what the heck to do with the other half of the boat...any ideas??
 Back in the Boatyard at end of July and a beautifully tactile piece of English oak has been salvaged to form part of the seating block. Great that historical timber will form part of the inner structures and have sound reverberating through them.&nb
 A week later and the seat structure is well on the way. It was the first chance to sit inside the structure and experience the space enclosed in the boat. Going to sound great! 
 Late August and we're almost ready to launch (excuse the pun...) Visitors to Boathouse 4 can try out sitting in the sound boat before it moves to the John Pounds Centre
 Just awaiting porthole speakers and a bit of hidden tech and then the sounds of Portsea will be a ready for listening - excitement!
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